Sayadan Agriculture


Fish Farms Services in Afghanistan

Sayadan Agriculture & Livestock Services Co. has purchased 12 acres of land in Parwan province Jamshadkhail village to make our own fish farms as that area has unlimited spring water making fish farms in that area would be very ideal that village is near Pol e Sayad area which is a unique Afghan picnic area and there are lots of fish shops and fish restaurants there we can easily supply our fish products to those fish shops and fish restaurants also.

We at Sayadan Agricultural & Livestock Services Co. plan to establish a plant where we can make fish feed from chicken wastes in our slaughterhouse, if any local or international company be interested to invest on this plant and enter into a partnership with us we are open to discuss or if donors be interested to support us that we can launch this fish feed processing plant we are here to negotiate and enter into an agreement to contract us please click here.

Fish farm
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